Thursday, July 3, 2008

What brought down the market

V Anantha Nageswaran expresses his opinions on how Global Market trends towards Decoupling have led to the Asian Market setback, in this article
The key here is that it would be a mistake to argue that high commodity prices are the only reason policy settings have ended up being too loose. Policy was set for recoupling in almost all markets in Asia, and yet decoupling in exports and GDP growth has persisted. Chart 3 (see below) shows an average core CPI for Asia ex-Japan. Clearly, once we account for the contributions of food and energy price inflation, Asia's inflation issues are not settled. Along with concerns about policy being too loose, growth decoupling has contributed to a surge in imports, which has been compounded by the rise in commodity prices, to result in sharply worse trade balances. Decoupling has ended up not being all that it cracked up to be.

According to him, expect a further slowdown till 2009
Be prepared for deeper and longer downturn
The troubling message from the chart above is that there is not much room to ease policy (and we include fiscal policy too) when they are likely to be most needed in 2009 - when the consumer in the U.S. wakes up to the reality. The absence of policy lever should lead to the acceptance that the economic impact on Asian households and the earnings impact on Asian corporations would be deeper and longer.

Now, where does India fit in this. As a country i guess we're extremely vulnerable to such turns, and RBI holds the key to turn this tide. It should make decisions (which will bring initial pain for sure) that change the economic setup and not just give into political pressure. Discuss...

-Aditya Raghuwanshi

LOST: A Theory

Have you been utterly fettered by the happenings in LOST. Well, a guy named Jason Hunter says he might have an explanation. He has developed a theory that might very well be the actual plot for the series. It revolves around time travel and fate correcting the timeline in weird ways. Anyway, you can check out the theory at this site

Happy LOSTing...

-Aditya Raghuwanshi

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Journalistic Idiocy Exposé

Print media majors have walked straight into a prank trap.

This was a letter sent by these guys to select print media organizations. It exposes how much 'research' is put into the rubbish the newspapers publish. Notable amongst the dunces are Times of India
and Deccan Herald.
Hell of a prank man! Well done to the team at!

Meanwhile The Hindu sits on its moral high chair shaking its head.

DAMN! These are the guys we rely on for NEWS!!


You think Oil is Expensive!!!

Email Fwd:

Over the weekend, I filled up my car’s fuel tank, and I thought fuel has
become really expensive after the recent price hike..

But then I compared it with other common liquids and did some quick
calculations, and I felt a little better.

To know why, see the results below - you’ll be surprised at how
outrageous some other prices are !

Iraq opens Oil Fileds to Global bidding

This invitation marks yet another significant increase in the growing Western Corporate influence in the Iraq Oil industry.

-Aditya Raghuwanshi